Explanation of NDIS funding

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Explanation of NDIS funding

NDIS – What does it mean?

  • National: The NDIS is being introduced progressively across all states and territories.
  • Disability: The NDIS provides support to eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability. Early intervention supports can also be provided for eligible people with disability or children with developmental delay.
  • Insurance: It gives all Australians peace of mind if they, their child or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability, they will get the support they need.
  • Scheme: The NDIS is designed to help people get the support they need so their skills and independence improve over time. 

Different types of supports from the NDIS

The NDIS is a government-run program that provides funding for people with disabilities to live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. For those that are eligible, the funding they provide is allocated to your personal budget and subdivided into three main categories of support. 


Core Supports

Core Supports are services that people with disabilities can make use of on a day to day basis. This is the most flexible spending category and is further subdivided into four categories:

  • Consumables – purchasing everyday use items such as sanitary products, incontinence supports, wipes, etc;
  • Daily Activities – assisting with self-care activities such as meal preparation, hygiene, domestic and household tasks, yard maintenance, etc;
    Assistance with Social and
  • Community Participation – enable you to engage in social or recreational activities within or outside your home for example attending swimming classes, art and craft, cooking classes, making classes, assistance in going to the appointments, shopping, etc;
  • Transport – getting around if you are unable to use public transport due to your disability.

Capacity Building

Funding for Capacity Building is provided to help you achieve your personal goals. It is subdivided into eight categories that align with your goals, but unlike with core supports, the funding designated for each category must be spent on items or services within that category. The eight categories include:

  • Choice and Control – includes training in plan management and planning;
  • Daily Activities – therapy in order to build your capacity to participate in activities;
  • Employment – funds for employment-related assessments or counselling;
  • Health and Well-being – advising on exercise that is required because of the impact of your disability;
    Lifelong Learning – assistance progressing from school to further educational opportunities;
  • Improved relationships – behavioural support strategies to improve relationship and interaction skills;
  • Social and Community Participation – this includes everything from individual life skills development, training including how to use public transport and support to do so, and developing skills for community, social, and recreational participation.
  • Support Coordination- It will help you make the best use of your support in your plan. It will help you to understand and use your NDIS plan to pursue your goals, build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your supports. 

Capital Support

Your Capital Support budget is an important category for participants who require assistive devices due to their disability or require modifications to be made to their home or transportation to enable them improved access and participation in activities and daily functions.

The funds in this category can only be used for their designated purpose and may not be repurposed for other uses. These funds will fall under one of two categories:

  • Home Modifications – funds for installing permanent fixtures or apparatuses in your place of residence such as a wheelchair ramp or rail in the bathroom.
  • Assistive Technology – this includes equipment used for mobility, personal care, communication, and inclusion in recreational activities such as wheelchairs or vehicle modifications. 

Plan Management

Plan management is when a provider supports you to manage funding in your NDIS plan. These providers are known as plan managers.


Support Coordination

There are three levels of support coordination that can be included in your plan. Depending on your individual goals, plan objectives and aspirations you may receive funding for these supports.


Day Centre / Community Participation

We engage with participants, their families and carers, along with the disability sector, advocacy groups, providers and other stakeholders, in many ways, every day.


Household Tasks

The NDIS can assist participants to live independently. Participants and their families can discuss their home and living goals as part of their planning conversation. A participant’s plan will include the supports the NDIS will fund.